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城镇化进程中,宗族势力已成为城乡结合部乡村治理过程中的重要阻力。如何消除宗族势力对城乡结合部乡村治理的负面影响,加强农村的基层民主建设,完善乡村治理结构,已成为社会管理的难点问题。基于对我国 S 省 W 村的实地调研,列举了宗族势力对城乡结合部乡村治理在负面影响方面的两大表现,分析了产生负面影响的原因,并提出了消除负面影响的对策建议。  相似文献   
基于社会转型视角的区域乡村文化体系重构策略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
借鉴管理学有关组织文化的层次结构,构建了包括生态文化﹑物态文化﹑制度文化﹑行为文化﹑精神文化五个方面在内的乡村文化体系构架。在此基础上,深入分析了社会转型对传统乡村文化的冲击,最终针对上述问题,提出了社会转型背景下重构传统乡村文化体系的策略,从而为引导乡村文化的合理演变提供了有益的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
Four survey experiments provide evidence that children (9–12 years) infer collective land ownership from first arrival. In Experiments 1 and 2, children indicated that a group owns an island relatively more than another group when having been or living on the island first. In the third experiment, it was found that first comers were considered to own the land more independently of whether the second group joined or succeeded them in living on the island. In Experiment 4, the first arrival principle to infer collective ownership was independent of the duration of stay of the first comers before being joined by the second group. Taken together, the findings provide clear evidence of the importance of first arrival for inferring collective place ownership.  相似文献   
21世纪以来,中国农村治理研究陷入了本土化与主体性双重困境,中国农村社会基础的深度转型,农村研究方法的缺陷以及大规模村庄研究的局限,要求中国农村研究回归深度的村庄研究,尊重农民主体性。在回归村庄研究的方法论上,文章认为要突破国家政权建设理论等研究视角的局限,把市场化这一变量纳入分析视野中。村庄主位、农民主体、市场化过程同国家宏观治理体系的互动逻辑,应该构成后中国农村治理研究时代的主要内容。  相似文献   
农民住房财产权的确认(简称农房确权)有助于维护农民财产权利,为下一步农村改革创造 前置条件和法律依据。然而,实践中农房确权面临着甄别、处置、配合和实施等各种难题。建议在制度 设计上按照“房地一体,先地后房”的原则,对农房进行分类处理,通过收取宅基地有偿使用费、明确确权 操作流程等措施予以完善。在此基础上,地方政府利用农房确权契机鼓励农村集约节约用地,通过规划 指导和建房监管确保新建农房达到确权要求,中央政府推进宅基地流转和农房财产权抵押担保制度改 革,使农房确权更具实质意义。  相似文献   
郑立新  罗鹏 《云梦学刊》2020,(1):115-124
农民是农业和农村的主体,也是乡村振兴的内生因素,发挥农民主体作用对实施乡村振兴战略意义重大。当前农民对乡村振兴关注度和支持度较高,农民的主体作用发挥成为乡村振兴的根本动力。但现实中,农民主体作用也受到诸如农业综合效益较低、农民自身思想文化和能力素质不高、管理机制滞后及基础条件薄弱等多方面的因素制约,需要党委、政府综合施策,采取完善乡村治理、健全政策扶持、建立引导机制、补齐短板缺陷、加强培育培训等一系列政策措施,尊重、引导、激励和支持农民自我管理、自我发展,激发农民的主动性、积极性、创造性。  相似文献   
包善良 《国际论坛》2020,(2):31-50,156
"印太"概念经历了从地缘术语向战略构想的演变,且域内各国基于本国利益塑造"印太"构想的进程尚未结束,这使得相关研究需要不断转换视角并注重动态追踪。莫迪执政后,印度和日本升级两国战略伙伴关系,完善各层级对话机制,共同推动区域连通性与基础设施建设,并提出"亚非增长走廊"愿景。在深化海洋安全合作的基础上,实现军事演习全面覆盖与装备技术合作的纵深发展,注重地区问题的立场协调与强化美印日、美印日澳等多边磋商机制。"印太"发展契机、两国战略目标驱动、制衡中国需求以及美国战略推动构成了印日战略合作的基本动因。得益于双方战略对接的深入和适宜的国内政治环境,印日深化战略合作的势头还将持续,表现在防务合作模式的多元化和加速布局"印太"基建项目的趋势。国内条件限制、"印太"战略差异以及国际局势影响等制约性因素也给两国合作前景带来挑战。  相似文献   
The well‐being of children in informal kinship care and their caregivers is a growing concern globally. This study explored the lived experiences of 23 kin caregivers raising children left behind in rural Northeast China while their migrant parents worked and lived in cities. The findings show that the expected authority and responsibility caregivers carry sometimes conflict with their social role of being children's grandparents. Caregivers' feelings about and understandings of these roles are shaped through their social interactions in local communities. In view of their situation and caregivers' self‐conscious attitudes towards utilizing local resources' future formal service provision and social support should take caregivers' viewpoints into account. These views are embedded in and shaped by their rural living context and relationships with community members who influence caregivers' perceptions and child rearing practices.  相似文献   
Upwards of 200 studies over the past hundred years have reported on the relationship between public relations practitioners and journalists. However, no experiment has compared the group members’ perceptions when seeing their roles in action. Inspired by frameworks of social identity theory, intergroup deception, and the black sheep effect, we test how public relations practitioners and journalists respond to a crisis communication media interview. In our experiment, a company spokesperson either answers questions or engages in stereotypical “spin,” which journalists historically consider one of the most offensive public relations strategies. Results indicate that public relations practitioners align with journalists in their perceptions of a spokesperson’s trustworthiness and the organization’s trustworthiness across treatment conditions. Practitioners also manifest the black sheep effect, disliking their group representative engaging in deception. Furthermore, we explore whether the effects on perceptions of trustworthiness are moderated by psychological identification with their respective industry. Discussion concerns the theoretical and practical ramifications of the groups sharing ingroup affiliation, contrary to prevailing notions of acrimony.  相似文献   
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